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Who is Emory Anthony? All about Carlee Russell's lawyer amid confession over fake kidnapping

Nearly a week after Carlee Russell’s abduction claims were thwarted by the Hoover Police Department, the 26-year-old Alabama woman said she was not kidnapped and did not see a toddler on the side of the road.

On Monday, July 24, Cralee Russell issued a statement through her attorney Emory Anthony. The statement, penned by Anthony on behalf of his client, was read by Hoover Police Chief Nick Derzis during a news conference Monday afternoon. It said that the nursing student was not abducted from Interstate 459 when she said she stopped to check on a toddler wandering alone on the side of the road.

The confession comes 11 days after the 26-year-old woman sparked a statewide search after disappearing from an Alabama highway on Thursday, July 14, 2023. Shortly before Russell disappeared, she called 911 to report a wandering toddler on Interstate 459.

Carlee Russell, who showed up at her parent's home on Saturday, July 16, after missing for 48 hours, told the police that she had been abducted by a white male when she stopped to check on a toddler.

Carlee Russell's attorney Emory Anthony is a respected criminal defense lawyer in Birmingham, Alabama

The starling case that drew national attention culminated with Carlee Russell confessing that she faked her abduction on July 14. The confession was issued by her attorney Emory Anthony and read by Hoover Police Chief Nick Derzis during a news conference Monday afternoon. The statement read:

“My client has given me permission to make the following statement on her behalf. There was no kidnapping on Thursday, July 13, 2023. My client did not see a baby on the side of the road. My client did not leave the Hoover area when she was identified as a missing person. My client did not have any help in this incident. This was a single act done by herself.”

Anthony also wrote that Russell was not at the Red Roof Inn at any time, squashing social media reports. Furthermore, Anthony said that Russell was contrite for her actions and begged for people’s forgiveness for orchestrating an elaborate hoax. While Anthony did not provide a motive for Russell’s deception, Hoover police chief Derzis said they have a meeting scheduled with Russell’s attorney on Tuesday to further discuss the case.

In the wake of the admission, it appears Russell has retained one of the best attorneys in Birmingham, Alabama, who specializes in Criminal Defense. Emory Anthony, a native of Birmingham, who served as Miles Law School dean, an assistant dis­trict attorney and municipal court judge, is revered as one of the best criminal defense lawyers in Alabama.

Anthony, who graduated from Miles College School of Law in 1979, later led the Jefferson County Progressive Democratic Council, the oldest historically black political organization in the state. Anthony, who had always nurtured political ambitions, ran for mayor of Birmingham in 2009.

On Monday, July 24, Hoover Police Chief Nick Derzis said that they are still investigating Carlee Russell’s case and are in discussions with the Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office about potential criminal charges.

The chief said that he was pleased Russell confessed to orchestrating a disappearance, but bemoaned the resources wasted during the frantic search.

“The sad thing is there were so many people involved and took this thing very, very seriously and, again, we wanted the focus to be to bring her home and she got home. We’re very excited about that.”

Meanwhile, Carlee Russell was fired from her job at Woodhouse Spa in Birmingham, Alabama.

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